Monday, February 19, 2007

The Diary

Raging fires,
Pregnant desires,
Wings of passion.
Flight to eternity,
Firewalk With Me

She turns the key in the keyhole, the levers fall into place and a dull click later the door opens inwards. A small puff of dust falls on her head as she steps in, her hand closing the door behind her. A faint creaky thud. She kicks the door with back of her left heel, without even turning, and the sound of lever locking tells her the door is finally shut. Hands on her slender waist, she surveys what lies before her.

Dull green paint desperately trying to hang on to walls like a dying leaf in autumn. Sheets of dust covered white clothes covering most of the furniture. Cobwebs on the ceiling and near the window, hanging like sinister shadows of time. A huge rat runs across the moth eaten carpet. It will take her entire weekend and Monday to turn the place around and she will have to do it all alone.

She smiles and takes a deep breath of relief. It will keep her mind occupied for entire weekend and Monday, and she isn't going to spoil it by worrying about what to do with rest of the week. All that matters is for three days she won't have to worry about... she waves off the fly buzzing around her head, it gets caught in one of the cobwebs. Another smile. She was planning to start with cobwebs in the living room, but they can wait for now. A closet in the hallway to bedroom catches her eye.

She tiptoes her way to the closet, as if the wooden floor would give away under her feet. The knob on closet's door is cold, but soon warms up to her touch. She opens the door and darkness stares back at her. She stares into the dark abyss. Words of Nietzsche flash for a moment in front of her eyes. A bit hesitant, her hand reaches out. She is almost surprised to find a wooden shelf; she expected the darkness to extend forever, hopefully into another world. She hadn't forgotten her C.S. Lewis either. Her hand grazes the shelf and she can feel the gathering dust. She withdraws her hand and is about to turn when suddenly a pair of crimson wings emerge out of darkness into her face. She panics and falls backward. Suddenly she is aware of her fear of butterflies. She slams the closet door closed with her feet.


The door swings open and a diary with red leather cover falls near her feet.

Dear Diary, I got a raise at work today and a promotion is in the wings. Boss said he is impressed with my work. I wonder if it had anything to do with three of my colleagues quitting in last two weeks. Hubby called me from his hotel in Chicago. He said two days and he is missing me already. Wonder if bellboy helped him with the necktie or the maid. He also said he loved me. It was Mothers Day so called up mom. She thanked me for calling and told me how dad's schizophrenia was getting worse. It meant dad was missing me too.

Dear Diary, I wonder if anyone but you will miss me, for me, when I die...


She steps back, hands on her slender waist covered in overalls with paint splats all over them. She surveys her new home and smiles to herself. The setting sun reflected off the pale orange walls paints the rest of the room. For a moment she feels the embrace of the setting sun, feels as if she is in the womb of a sun. Only the crimson butterfly in the only surviving cobweb by the window adding a dash of red. She had saved it, not sure why. Maybe she was still scared of going near the butterfly, maybe it was her way of thanking the cobweb. But watching the strokes of red in pale orange gave her a different reason, it looked beautiful. It felt as if it weren't just sunbeams changing color as they passed through its wings, but as if sun was taking it in his embrace and spreading her essence all across the room. And she realised that as the sun moved in sky through the day, the butterfly's crimson shadow formed a perfect arc, kissing all her paintings hanging in the living room.

A smile spreads across her lips. She finally tugs at the piece of cloth holding back her hair and lets them frame her face. She walks to the CD player and pushes play, Dido's lament about her 'Life For Rent' soon fills every inch of space. She hums the lines of the song as she sheds her clothes, walks to the bathroom and slips into the bathtub. The water is warm, perfect. She pours herself a glass of wine, lights a smoke and reaches for the diary. Her fingers linger on the cover, feeling the red leather. It feels like dragon skin.

Dragon skin? Why so sure?

She pulls her hand back as she realises her fingers are trembling. She gulps down a glass of wine like bitter medicine. The glass rolls on its side as her shaky hand puts it down and hits the bottle of wine. Red wine starts to spill into the water in a small steady trickle, gradually clouding the clear waters.

Oblivious of it all she turns pages of the diary and starts where she left off.

Dear Diary, how do you think I my husband would feel if he were to come home and find me in a pool of my own blood? How long do you think it will take him to figure out what he could have done to save me? These were the questions running through my mind as I lay in the bathtub today, watching my own blood form an ever expanding crimson cloud. I swear I could see it take different shapes, just like the cotton candy clouds we used to watch in the skies as kids. I know what you are thinking, let me explain.

As the water got darker, the lights around me too seemed to go dim, as if a black shadow was growing bigger and bigger in the room. My eyes felt heavy and I found myself gradually slipping into the bathtub. It was then that I heard his voice in my head. I swear I could see a pair of blue eyes staring at me, into me. For first time in my life I felt naked. How would you feel if someone could read your pages through your thick red cover? Naked.

He said, "You don't want to do this. You don't want to go like this. You want to fly away. Come, walk the winds with me."

How did he know? Who was he?

She takes the bus on her way back, didn’t want to drive through all the traffic. She is listening to music on her I-Pod, Amy Lee's haunting voice pleading 'Bring Me To Life'. She stares out of the window. The bus is waiting for light to turn green, 7 seconds to go. She is staring at the counter as it counts down to 7, then 6, 5... 5... 5. It doesn't change. She looks around, everyone seems to have gone still, frozen in time. A faint cackling sound echoes in her ears. She hears someone call out her name. She looks around and there he is.

He is walking towards her, no, not walking, floating would be more like it coz she can't see his legs moving. As he gets closer she can feel... the sun. Yes, fire and light like a blazing sun. He raises his hand, as if asking her to hold her and is saying something but all she can hear is the cackling sound. She suddenly realises her I-Pod is burning and soon she too is engulfed by flames. She screams and throws the I-Pod off her lap. The earphones get yanked out of her ears.

It is then that her headphones also shoot out of her ears and she is drowned in sounds of dozens of car horns. The counter changes to 4, 3, 2... It was all a dream. And the moment she realises it was just a dream, she feels a melancholic stab in her heart. Who was he?

She stares out of the glass window, city floats by her and she catches a pale reflection of hers amongst glaring city lights. She looks away. She reaches for the diary in her bag.

Dear Diary, this might be my last entry. Last night I went to the terrace, could see the whole city from up there. Can't tell you how calm I felt as strong winds whipped my face. I felt so free, just as he had promised. He says he can give me wings to fly, better, he can make me wind. He says he can help me reach the skies, and even further. He says he comes from a world beyond ours. He promises all that I ever craved for. His touch offers me all that he promises me. He says all I have to do is hold his hand and he'll turn the burden on my back into wings, he'll take all of me and give me all of him. And I believe him, for he makes me believe in myself.

Goodbye diary, I have to go now. I must get to the balcony. I can hear him coming, can hear him whisper in my ears as he ruffles my hair...

"Come... ride the winds with me."
*** ***

David Gilmour is singing 'Coming Back To Life' as she lies on her stomach on the floor of the living room. She frantically turns the pages of the diary, but all the rest are empty. She stands up, feels a little uneasy in the stomach, reaches for glass of wine and gulps it down in one go. Suddenly she is aware of the cackling of a raging fire... the diary is in flames. She throws it towards the window, the one where used to be a crimson butterfly caught in a cobweb. Only the cobweb remains but for a fleeting moment the diary looks like a big crimson butterfly, its fluttering pages stoking the fire.

The fiery walls around her come alive, consuming all her paintings one by one, in the same order as the path of crimson shadow of butterfly... a perfect arc. As the final painting, Primavera by Botticelli goes up in flames, she recalls where she had seen that mysterious man in the bus. And right on cue he rises from the ashes of the painting, extends her hand towards her and turns to fire, a walking being of fire. He has come to fulfil the unsaid promise he made to her and all she has to do is keep hers. She drops on her knees and clutches her stomach as she feels the fire raging inside her belly.

Finally she understands the cackling... its the fire talking to her, its him talking to her...

Raging fires,
Pregnant desires,
Wings of passion.
Flight to eternity,
Firewalk With Me

[Visit the comments for an epilogue.]


Dew said...

Amazing story.. am waiting for it to get completed.. really nice one

requiem said...

Thanks penguin, hope you liked the finished version too, as well as this small Epilogue.


"Hello blog, missed me? I know I haven't updated you in a long time. As you know I was looking for a new place ever since my boyfriend broke up with me. I finally found one and was busy moving in. How is it? Well you know me, am an Earth sign and also afraid of heights. So I was neither too comfortable with the fact that it was on the seventeenth floor or that the east side window lets in way too much sun in. But I got it at such a steal that I couldn't pass up. Looks like no one wants to buy it coz people believe its haunted. Previous occupant set herself and entire apartment on fire and the one before her jumped out of the balcony. I think its all crap. How do I know? Well, there is a closet in which I found a diary with thick red leather cover. How could it have survived a fire as bad as the real estate agent made it out to be? But one thing has been really nagging me. The dates in the diary seem to suggest that both of them wrote in that diary... but the handwriting is same in all the entries."

"Well, gotta go now, time to brew some coffee and catch a few winks. Have to wake up at 12:00am to finish off some work."

And the blog was never updated again.
***** The End ****

Julia Dutta said...

Hi Req,
Thanks for two things: 1. for letting me know 2. This is a nice post. It dwells on the everyday tight rope we walk....the beginning and the end in each day, the morning and the night - it all seems to be all together, every day...every single day.
I blog with See you there sometime?

Anonymous said...

So you wanted to see my painting hmm……

Raging fires,
Pregnant desires,
Wings of passion.
Flight to eternity,

The first four lines of the verse immediately transported me to a dank , creepy room with a huge window . no doors mind you. Just a window. and the window is closed tight shut . the hoo hoo howling loo of the summer calling me , the sun ablaze , shooting fiery glances and yet an irrepressible desire rages on, a desire to touch the blazing ball of fire………….. knowing the sun would be scorching , the gaseous inferno might burn, yet the flight for the birdie is through the window. a sudden wish to be puffy cloud which dances along with the winds, metamorphoses into so many shapes , frolicking around………….on its own…………actually experiencing the life.

Next few paragraphs were so amazing and that’s what like about your stories…… details……details ...details...:D
she waves off the fly buzzing around her head, it gets caught in one of the cobwebs.

Fear kept at bay only to ponder over it from a comfortable distance later on?
Only the crimson butterfly in the only surviving cobweb by the window adding a dash of red. She had saved it, not sure why.

Often when someone gets hurt , you touch that bruise to feel the tinge of pain again……you don’t want to exactly feel the pain but yes , time and again you check…
Has she saved it just to feel the adrenaline rush of feeling the fear again or was it simply fate playing its game?
It felt as if it weren't just sunbeams changing color as they passed through its wings, but as if sun was taking it in his embrace and spreading her essence all across the room.

amazing line could actually visualise all of it with closed eyes. The colours splashing the walls royally…

Dragon skin , raging fire inside her belly ,……….did I miss something? Yep , the sun’s womb!
Jumanji, narnia its all in there….
As he gets closer she can feel... the sun. Yes, fire and light like a blazing sun.

This one made me so happy , goes along with my initial strokes of the painting …

And the moment she realises it was just a dream, she feels a melancholic stab in her heart. Who was he?

Happens all the time , you actually don’t wanna face it , but in down there , the curosity pesters you , the thrill of coming to face with the unknown nudges you …….
Come... ride the winds with me

The most alluring invitation ever , to transcend time , space , on a quest for the unseen , with a comforting promise of someone by your side…..
She throws it towards the window, the one where used to be a crimson butterfly caught in a cobweb.

The pain that made you confortably numb is suddenly gone , and now you are once again vulnerable to feel the pain , numbness has sublimed away.the fear, till the time it was infront of the eys , you felt safe , but the moment its gone , the trepidation of fear lunges back……….haunting you.
The fiery walls around her come alive, consuming all her paintings one by one, in the same order as the path of crimson shadow of butterfly... a perfect arc.

A house on fire , a soul free to dream , to actually be the puffy cloud which dances along with the winds, metamorphoses into so many shapes , frolicking around………….on its own…………actually experiencing the life.

Amazing tale , and that’s how I read all your stories , its just that this time I’m telling you :). The little nuances , the seamlessly merged themes.especialy could hear all of the songs mentioned playing in the back of my mind.

And the biggest feat of the story , I still don’t find the end , it seems to be a beginning to newer world , new fantasies.As of Primavera, it has allured me since the time I read about renaissance , after all it gave a new term to the beauty of nakedness , the vulnerability…the Botticelli Nude.

So finally here is the comment I was looking forward to leave for past few days. And I hope I have done justice to your story (read firewalk first , then all the other related stories , read firewalk again and trust me it was worth it :)). What always amazes me is ur nack for details . i’m going of at tangents here from your story …….

Did you see Raincoat , there’s a scene in the movie where an idyllic conversation is going between ash n devgan , where they show ash playing with the matchstick flame ....choking while drinking water….so close to reality….small details.
Yet I prefer reading over visuals , I loved the entire HP series and totally abhorred the films….well almost. It was almost frustating to see most of “my imagination” shattered. Though LOTR movies were great!
But that defines why I love your story telling style so much. I am primarily a reader who likes to imagine things and more the vivid description , it gives me an extra push to my imagination . and the best is a little enigmatic portrayal. You know what I mean right? Last summer me and my friend were writing a sci fi novel (well the initial idea was to write a story but the plot turned out to be a little too big as one story or with sequels.) and after discussing about the male protagonist , my first thing I did after that was to do a charcoal sketch the hero and so on it went , I have now got all the sketches of the characters and some crucial scenes, it’s a pity that both of us running a bit busy to complete the project.

So in this new abode of your stories unleash the dreams, let me weave my own chimera …….kudos to the maverick !

Dew said...

i really liked reading both the things.. seriously u write very well...kee writing

Pratishtha Durga said...

I came, I saw, i read. the good thing about your words, req, is that I always discover something i had missed before.

I see some other good stuff here. Digging in.

Anonymous said...


Awesome man..really gr8. The story is req-ish….100 % req-ish , requiem... liked reading it, that too after such a long time…Know, I wanted to read between the lines, but the dragon skin frightened me at first, esp after the epilogue, the death feeling barred me from justifying it as a happy..sort –of story…..i still know it isn’ is a dark love story...but then, re-read it….felt a bit better...could relate to the justification in a better way.. :)

N I always love the way u write....focus on details.. n even the smallest of them,n thts why all ur stories move like pictures.

Raging fires,
Pregnant desires,
Wings of passion.
Flight to eternity,
Firewalk With Me

So in-sync with the story..requiem u really did a gr8 job.n not to forget the use of apt.. :)
The whole story is so good n catchy that I m tempted to put it all in here,but since it is very obvious, I’d precisely hint the key factors tht made the story perfect....
The links of course..everything is linked up so beautifully,tht the reader feels elated when they sprout up n make one think....
The diary…dragon skin…fire…
6, 5... 5... 5. Who was he..
"Come... ride the winds with me."
The amazing description of the sun forming the shadow…the arc..the consumption...
Finally she understands the cackling... its the fire talking to her, its him talking to her...
Raging fires,
Pregnant desires,
Wings of passion.
Flight to eternity,
Firewalk With Me

The similarities that surface up as the ultimate truth...

all this and much more,that i was able or not able to decipher....all contributed to the story to make it exactly the way it is...perfect.. :)

Take care